Why don't old religions get treated with the same validity as Christianity, Islam


New member
May 15, 2008
ect? When people mention God of these religions, it's seen as a matter to be taken seriously. Burn The Qua'ran, and you should be put to death. Anyone that says anything against God will burn in hell for all eternity. Then we look back on people worshipping the Ancient Egyptian gods, Odin, Zeus ect with a "aw cute, they believed in Santa Claus" attitude, as if the religions themselves are certainly fictional. No-one takes these religions seriously, but ones such as Christianity and Islam are. Why is this? Why do we have schools teaching Christian, Islamic ect beliefs, but not these other religions?
Probably because over time most people have figured out that pagan gods are are a creation of Satan's imagination.Obviously additional enlightenment is still necessary however because an astonishing number of people are still giving credibility to pagan Mormon church :( teachings.