why does the prosperity gospel is popular among pentecostal christians?


New member
Feb 3, 2013
I have seen televangelists on tv and I have visited churches which are pentecostal and they preach if you give tithe, you will be blessed and the positive confession, where the people declare in the name of Jesus they are healed and or stuff like that, those people say they just prayed in the name of jesus and all the bad things come out, how is that? do pentecostal christians believe in the prosperity and fast miracles? do other evangelical christians practice this?
The people who got some fast miracles, also went through many trials first, and had to learn to be strong in the Lord by faith. It is not them who are strong, but the power of Christ that rested upon them because of their faith. They know that. They are not trying to delude anybody. God has taught them things that most Christians won't accept because most Christians are too weak because of being lukewarm and that results from disobedience. It isn't just because they are Pentcostal. Any Christian can learn since the Holy Spirit guides us into more and more truth if we are listening. The ones who got those miracles were trying to encourage other Christians to have more faith. If you aren't saved you won't be able to grasp this anyway, but just trying to help. Thanks for asking.