Why does my Pomeranian whine all of the time?


Aug 10, 2008
My 8 month Pomeranian whines ALL OF THE TIME (except when he's in his kennel). He's very loved and gets lots of attention. It's gotten to the point where I don't know if he's whining because he has to go outside to potty or what! So he uses the potty in the house quite often. He's not hurting anywhere, because he runs and plays with everyone. There's nothing I can do to make him stop! It's become very annoying and it's caused many people to not like him. Someone PLEASE help me here!
By 8 months, the pup should have completed at least 2 sets of beginner training classes. And he should definitely be housetrained.

The pup is manipulating you. And you're allowing it. Establish a routine for every single aspect of the dog's day. He eats, plays, goes outside, etc., at the same times, every day. Stick to it. Crate the beast every single second you can't have eyes on him, to keep him from 'using the potty' ... you mean, defiling your home ... when you aren't looking.
If you put a stuff animal in with him or her it might stop. You can also use a clock that winds up and put that into . The puppy will feel like its the mothers heart beat. A Vet told me that when I got a new puppy. That clock will not have to be used most times after about a week. They get use to where they are. Let me know how it works for you and your dog.