Why does my 1993 Honda Accord occasionally stall (and not restart for 1 hour)?


Jun 4, 2008
Hi -- I have a 93 Honda Accord w/ just under 150,000 miles. Occasionally (3 times in the last 4 months) it stalls when I'm driving and does not restart. Twice the stalling happened after short trips. Here is a profile of each time this happened.

Short trip to grocery store: 3 blocks. After 5 minutes, (my wife) was back driving again. Car stalled at a low speed. (This is a totally silent stall, not a noisy 'chug-chug' type). Attempted to restart. The engine turns over, but doesn't catch. Retried several time over the course of an hour. Started the a dream the next day.

# 2
Basically the same scenario #1, above. This time is started like a dream after leaving it alone for an hour.

First trip of the day. I'd traveled about 4 miles and was going about 20 miles an hour when it stalled. Two warning lights were on, but otherwise it was totally stalled. This time it took 2 hours before it started up. (The RPM meter revving crazy-like. I gave is some gas and the RPM meter returned to normal.)
