Why does Michael Jackson's death have more publicity than any other...

Cause he is the king, and no one has proven to be better than him in entertainment. Read about him and you will see why. He is the king can never be duplicated. Matter just look at one concert and you will see. He was excellent, and deserves all the plublicity, no disrepect to the others that perished but, Mike really earned it, he has been through a lot, for a lifetime
because he was an era.

when he died..... the whole damn world of 6.7 billion people suddenly had that empty feeling of not having MJ in there.
Besides him being a great entertainer, I think his death is getting more publicity because of drug abuse and his children.
its just the vermin media propaganda that tries to glorify everything about him while none of it was true he was always fucking ugly
i know you don't want to hear it-- but yes.
he has THE top selling record in history, world wide.
he has donated 300+ million dollars to charities.
he practically created the music video.
without MJ, there would be no background 'noises' or voices.
yeah, i think he revolutionized music.
Because he id adicted for drugs, and too much financial problems, he borrowed money from the son of baharain sheikh, and he was perpairing do a stage on july mid.
Princess Diana, Elvis, JFK and Marilyn Monroe all had highly publicized deaths. I was 12 when Princess Diana died so I remember it.
he is the KING of pop, i mean he pretty much invented it. he also had such a huge impact on our society and even singers/performers follow in his footsteps. without him, music would be very different and just the fact that his death was so sudden and tragic makes it a big story.
Are you kidding? Princess Diana had WAY more publicity. So did Elvis. Michael Jackson is slim pickins compared to Jimmy Dean, Bruce Lee, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, JFK! It just seems like a lot because the stupid media needs something to write about, but MJ has got a long way to go.
I said the same thing,he was the king of pop though. And he tried so hard to live discreetly that now that he's dead evyrone wants to know all his secrets,since he's dead all the people who knew the real michael Jackson are airing his shit.
If you really need to ask that question, then you must either be very young or have been living under a rock for a long time. He is a legend. If Michael Jackson was never born, the entertainment industry would be so much different nowadays. The likes of Ne Yo, Britney, Justin & others are all inspired by him. He will always be the King of Pop.
