Why does God make it so hard to get into His Kingdom?


Apr 3, 2008
Why does He make it darn near impossible for humans to comprehend, or understand Him? And if He is a Loving Father, why does He let so many of us DIE? Why not make it a bit easier? Does He like the fact that no one can ever find Him? If He really wanted to save humanity, wouldn't He be a little more lenient with all of us? Why are so many good people going to spend an ETERNITY in TORTURE for not trusting Him? It sounds unfair. I know I'm pushing my luck here, but I feel a little angry. If I were a loving mother or parent, and my child rebelled against me, or worse, spit in my face, or hurt me, wouldn't I still love my child? Would I send them to suffer in an eternal anguish? NO. So why does God do this to the children He supposedly loves??? The Bible states that the road to hell is wide, so why wouldn't God make it easier to go to Heaven, instead of easier to go to hell? If He really cared for us, wouldn't He want to make it easier on us? That's like my kid being lost on the highway, calling me for help, and instead of giving them the easiest way out, I send them on a wild goose chase!!! It doesn't make any sense!!!