Why does everyone think everything a guy does is gay?


New member
Dec 1, 2009
If a guy wears skinny jeans...he's gay.
If a guy listens to Justin Bieber... oh yeah he's gay.
If a guy listens to Kesha.. yep, he's gay.
If a guy is even a LEAST bit femine he;s gay.
If a guy is not some guy that jerks off to Miley Cyrus or Katy Perry on Youtube.. he's gay.

Why is that? Just wondering.. it seems like Teen guys are expected to listen to stuff like Rap or how cool they are, but if a guy DOESN'T do those kind've of stuff he's gay.

What do you think?
guys don't have to listen to rap or how cool they are
its just that if he likes pretty stuff and likes to make himself look cute and pretty, that's kinda gay