Why do you think the Mumbai attacks happened?


New member
Nov 28, 2008
First, who did it?

Why did they do it?

How would President-elect Obama react?
Only K: You are most likely correct. You're in the running for Best Answer.
whats the best way for a group with an objective, that has relatively small amounts of money and resources, do to a country with unlimited amounts of money and resources? Commit "terrorist" attacks. A terrorist attack totally depends on what side you're on. For instance, if you are with your family at home in Palestine and an Israeli bulldozer levels your house with you in it b/c they thought you were shooting at them, you would probably see Israel as terrorists. It's all your point of view.
I think extreme Islamic groups did it.

They did it because of Kashmir along with USA occupation of Iraq and helping Israel.

Obama would do what Bush has done...tell India if they need help militarily they can have it. India has not requested help at this time.
The same reason any terrorist would attack: They think they have a reason to hate a certain thing and they feel justified to take action.
The Deccan Mujahideen were the attackers and what I have stated above is why they did it. I highly doubt Obama will do anything. He already has loads of problems at home to think about.