Why do you cling to organized religion?


New member
May 5, 2012
Personally, I am not too taken with most scripture and ideology out there..but I do notice that organized religion offers a sense of community and promotes very good family values. Do you find yourselves ever disagreeing with some main tenants but cling to your church or mosque for the sake of living a life that you deem pleasing to God?
Because it's my human right to. Jesus was a Jewish man and followed Judaism for 33 yrs. He went to Temple every Sabbath, He celebrated the Passover and other holy days of the Jews. He was a very religious man.
God is a God of organization. Not chaos. The first century Christians were very organized. I stay with my religion because I am absolutely certain it is the right religion. There are 2.3 billion Christians in the world with 41,000 different denominations. Each denomination has its own doctrines. So how can you find the right one? Only Jehovah God can help a person find the right religion. He is doing that now. He is gathering all honest hearted individuals to the true religion. For more info go to www.watchtower.org