Why do some white people complain that they can't use the N word?


Jun 10, 2008
I am white myself.

Never understood why some white crybabies whine about not being able to say the N word when black people can. Is it that big a deal? Do you need to use a racist slur so much its ruining your life? Whats so wrong with showing a little respect.
It's sort of like other people when they get on their high-horse and insult someone in your own family.

What they say may or may not be true, but in general, outsiders don't have permission to insult someone else's family members.

Some people don't understand that.
I only hear ignorant, uneducated blacks use the word to greet someone or they are trying to be cool. I am black and I do not use the N word in my everyday conversations. Also, the older generation of blacks hate that word! My grandparents don't get it and they would slap me if I used the N word to greet another black person. It's just the younger generation of blacks that use it a lot.
I think the user David gets it. It's like you wouldn't allow someone outside your family to insult you. I hear white people call each other derogatory names, like honkey, but I wouldn't call them that because I'm not white. I feel like they can say that to each other because they're both from the same race. It would just sound awkward if I said it.
Anyway, no one should have the "desire" to use a racial slur.
Black people call each other niggars all the time, "what's up niggar!" I think the majority of us white people just don't wanna look racist because we don't get the joke. Just as long as they're not calling someone the N word directly in their face, than they're racist. It depends on how you're saying the word and in what way are you using the word?
I don't even like it when people of color use it. It's derogatory.

Why insult yourself and your own race?
I believe that it's more than just the word, it's the fact that the typical white American can't have their freedom of speech anymore without getting sued and/or literally beaten up.
Because they are ignorant and cannot express themselves through the thousands of words in the dictionary yet they limit themselves to about 20 slurs.