Why do some poters sign their names after long posts?


New member
Feb 15, 2008
Why do some posters sign their names after long posts?

I've been wondering if it's one of those little things that can yield insights into differences in how people think if investigated thoroughly enough.
probably because usually, normal forum threads are kind of like conversations, consisting of short phrases like you would say in real life, while a really really long post departs from that and becomes almost like an article or formal text instead of a part of a conversation.

kind of like, if you were to ask me something which requires some research and the answer to which is stupidly long, i'd most likely send you an email with it, and emails being emails, i'd probably sign it, like i do with a fair bit of my emails :p
I've always wondered why koyo does this sort of thing.

regards koyo

Then sometimes continues writing.
Bit of what moi and fish said i reckon. I usually sign off my first post in a thread I start since I usually write formally, same prinicple as a letter really, and I sign off PMs just out of habit really ususally with my real name if its someone I know just cos i know thme well. Makes it a bit less formal if that makes sense
And I do it regardless of the length of the post. It just seems like the natural thing to do, perhaps it's because I'm an old fogey?

Now now, if this continues I might have to start signing posts myself

Regards, supream over-misstress of all.