Why do some people need Religion or God?


Feb 26, 2008
I feel that I am such a person even though I do not practise any religion myself at the moment. I have atheist friends who see my longing for God as a weakness of the mind and yet I have a 1st class degree, I read widely in many subjects including science and philosophy. I am pro-choice, and support gay rights and I believe in evolution. I don't think it is necessary to believe in God to be a good person and that we should in fact be good out of our own hearts and not out of fear or duty to a God. Still I long for God and the means to worship him. Why is it that some people feel that longing and others do not?
What I am saying is I have a mind and intellectually I know that women must be in charge of their own bodies, that stem cell research must go ahead etc. However privately in myself I still feel the need for a relationship with god. Even though my beliefs as a person go against those of say the Catholic faith.
Life is hard and some people need comfort. When friends and family can't or don't help, people turn to religion- the ultimate Utopia.
It is better to say that what has been given is not as if we are righteous to receive it. It is a gift. Try not to grasp christianity with all the past ills polluting your mind, and reach for its core, which is its an instruction manual on how to live on this planet.

You are using your own knowledge to make choices, but when you seek out the Lord you will have new eyes and a new heart. Seek him out and do not try to couple religion with Christianity. It is the least religious of all the paths that man a choice to take, but its the only path to the real God.

Only in america can I say this, and not be beheaded or jailed. God bless the USA.
when ppl leave school with low grades and can't explain how the universe work
they turn to god to explain everything
Jung would have it that in our brains exists a kind of God template, ready to be filled with whatever religion you are exposed to and connect to. In other words we are genetically predisposed to believe in a higher power. This is perhaps where your longing comes from. It is merely a byproduct of your brain's wiring
We all need God, it is just that some people want to do their own wills (sex, drugs, etc.) and not follow God's will.

Believing in God DOES NOT mean you are "weak minded" or "crazy." Some of the most respected geniuses in history believed in God.

Look up Isaac Newton, Einstein, Francis Collins, John D. Rockefeller, etc. and you will see my point.

Listen to that call of God in your heart. Do not reject him.

Good luck, and God bless.
Of course atheists will see needing God as a weakness. Who cares. I equate my spiritual need for Jesus Christ to be the same as my body's need for oxygen...I cannot imagine life without Him.

God puts a need into every human heart to seek for Him. Some do not pay any attention to that need, turn away from it and harden their hearts towards God. Others go towards God. If you are in the latter group, you are wise and will be blessed.
I think that some people want to believe the world is really fair. I don't know if that's your case but I'm just speaking from experience. No one wants to believe that bad people and good people have the same fate in this world. Or that once you die it's over. Who can really imagine what it's like to be nonexistent? That's why people feel the need to have a God.
We are all designed to seek him. Seeking and desiring a relationship with him is not weakness its a part of our makeup and design; it is a prideful attitude on behalf of your friends that prevent them from experience such unconditional love and sacrifice. Pride has no place in the kingdom of heaven.

The decisions you make as a person, eg whether you are pro choice, support gay rights doesn't have anything really to do in your relationship with him. Once you open your heart to a relationship with him through his son Jesus Christ, he will reveal the rest unto you. We all have our paths to follow. Believe me when I say, the path he has for you is SO much better than the path you have for yourself.

I understand you are widely read and educated, I would suggest you read the bible and make your determination then.

I pray you find him, as there is no better feeling than to KNOW you are saved, you are never alone.