Why do some conservatives complain about the national debt then insist


New member
Mar 30, 2009
that the Bush tax cuts must be extended? The Bush tax cuts will cost approx. $3.7 trillion dollars over a ten year period. Letting the tax cuts expire will take that $3.7 trillion off the top of the debt.
Taxes aren't the answer. We need to build products in the US again and we need to run efficiently on what we have.
Well, renewing them for the middle class is a good idea but letting the cuts expire for the top earners will get $750 Billion back into the treasury. And the reasons the right claims for extending those are simply not true.

If you own a small business and file 1040 Schedule C, the income of the business is entered, then the expenses, including payroll, are SUBTRACTED. The net, the amount you keep for yourself, flows to form 1040. With the expiration of the tax cut for incomes over $250,000, only that portion you pay yourself over that number gets an additional 3% tax. So, if you pay yourself $300,000, your tax liability goes up $1,500 (3% of $50,000), about one-half of one percent of your whole income.

Those who claim it will hurt hiring are lying through their teeth.
What very interesting is that these millionaires and billionaires received a discount on their taxes for nine years; at the same time the country's economic stability was going to hell in a hand-basket. Now when its time to pay the normal fair share; they want you to believe its a tax increase. 250K, out several billions is like the federal government taking an extra nickel out of your paycheck to them. If the Bush Tax Cuts are allowed to sunset; the country can save 750 Billion; if not lose 750 Billion.
What very interesting is that these millionaires and billionaires received a discount on their taxes for nine years; at the same time the country's economic stability was going to hell in a hand-basket. Now when its time to pay the normal fair share; they want you to believe its a tax increase. 250K, out several billions is like the federal government taking an extra nickel out of your paycheck to them. If the Bush Tax Cuts are allowed to sunset; the country can save 750 Billion; if not lose 750 Billion.
C0ns like to portray the ultra-rich as victims. Meanwhile they insult the poor and middle class, calling them lazy, or stupid, or irresponsible.

C0ns would much rather eliminate welfare for the bottom 15% then let tax cuts expire for the top 15%.
C0ns like to portray the ultra-rich as victims. Meanwhile they insult the poor and middle class, calling them lazy, or stupid, or irresponsible.

C0ns would much rather eliminate welfare for the bottom 15% then let tax cuts expire for the top 15%.
Its sad how all of the liberals who responded simply parroted Democratic talking points. Here's some truth:

The tax cuts don't cost anything. It isn't the governments money to begin with, so claiming that by not giving your money to the government you are creating a cost is naive. Ending the tax cuts is what will cost money. It will cost tax payers their money.

Revenue to the federal government in 2000 was 2.025 Trillion. In 2008 it was 2.524 Trillion. Doesn't that tell you the debt and deficit are a spending, not revenue problem?
They'd rather lower their own taxes, complain the President isn't doing anything, and let their children and grandchildren pay the bills. Conservatism is the antithesis of generosity.
Because they have no intention of reducing the debt, remember they think that deficits don't matter.
The GOP/TP represent 5% of the country - they really don't care about the other 95%. The rich don't need social security or medicare - they already are secure and have private insurance.

If the GOP/TP squander the future of the middle class, so be it. They really are the most despicable group of thieves ever assembled.

EDIT: It is tough to grade the paper if you don't understand the question.
Okay, your $3.7 trillion dollar figure includes the middle class tax cuts as well. Obama wants to include the middle class tax cuts.

Also, did you know that Obama cut some taxes with his "stimulus bill"

If we got rid of the Bush tax cuts, that means that middle class families would have to pay a few %'s more. Anyone making more than $28,000 would get taxed more. That includes many families. Obama doesn't even support that.