Why do some churches bear the name of Christ but support violence like war?


New member
May 19, 2009
I live in New York City, and it seems that some nabes have a church on every corner. Some bearing Christ name on it. Now, Jesus preached mild temper, live by the sword and you will die by it, humble, impartial and the list can go on. But some feel that Religion leads to violence.

For example http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090519053819AA7JXDc&show=7

Could it be said that if all Religions followed this one little scripture

Romans 12:17 Return evil for evil to no one. Provide fine things in the sight of all men.

Religion wont be frowned upon by many?
Plato: May I suggest you read all 4 Gospels?
Pity the fool: In relation to my question your example is way off.
Matthew 5:23,24 “If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and you there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away; first make your peace with your brother, and then, when you have come back, offer up your gift.
Are you distressed about crimes committed in the name of religion? Do warfare, terrorism and corruption perpetrated by those who claim to serve God offend your sense of justice? Why does religion seem to be at the root of so many problems?

The fault lies, not with all religion, but with FALSE religion. A widely respected religious figure, Jesus Christ, indicated that false religion produces bad works, just as a “rotten tree produces worthless fruit.” (See Matthew 7:15-17) What fruit does false religion yield? Hopefully this will shed much light in your question…


…Meddles in War and Politics. Let me stop there. False religion meddles, or “interferes” or “sticks their noses in” War AND Politics. Sounds familiar? Do you know of any religions and religious leaders who are Democrats or Republicans or “Religious Conservatives?” Pat Robertson is one example of this. Some protest and rally behind those in political office. The Reverend Al Sharpton is a well-known political activist but yet claims to be religious. He speaks politics in churches, etc. Senator Barack Obama recently went to churches and urging those in the congregation to vote him for President. Yes, Obama going to the pulpit and telling the congregation (in a house of God) to put their trust in a man, not God. The whole purpose of going to church is to learn more about God and to trust in him.

Psalm 146:3, 4 says: “Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.” What confidence could one possibly have in the 44th President when Bush’s term is over? The US had 43 Presidents elected. Only 4 (Carter, Clinton, Bush I, Bush II) are living. The rest are dead. Do we have world peace today? Is the world a safer place? Is it a better place? Or do we see a hike in crime, suffering and death? Yes, people are killing each other with their own weapons. For instance, man made guns, but those same guns that man made are killing men, women and children. What goes around comes around? Now, there are regulation talks about getting the guns off the streets. Yet, we created them and there are so many of them out there (in the wrong hands). What has happened during those regimes? Let me think, the Civil War, Vietnam, World War I & II, Cold War and now the War in Iraq just to mention a few. The casualties were for so called “protecting their country.” For what? They died for nothing. Presidents have been assassinated or targets of it because of an idea or cause that one person does not like. People thought that Bush II would be the savior after Clinton’s scandals, but has that been the case? Nevertheless, this is what people put their trust in. How sad. How sad. How sad. It is a vicious cycle of disappointment, but people rather trust in lies and the Presidents who will come after Bush II.

“Across Asia and beyond,” says the journal Asiaweek, “power-hungry leaders are cynically manipulating people’s religious sentiments for their own needs.” As a result, the journal warns: “The world threatens to sink into madness.” A prominent religious leader in the United States declared: “You’ve got to kill the terrorists before the killing stops,” His solution? “Blow them all away in the name of the Lord.” By contrast, the Bible says: “If anyone makes the statement: ‘I love God,’ and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar.” (1 John 4:20) Jesus even said: “Continue to love your enemies.” (Matthew 5:44) How many religions can you think of whose members engage in war?

Are We Really Bloodguilty?

A feature of the Mosaic Law will help us to see that earth’s billions share bloodguilt. God laid upon the Israelites a joint responsibility for bloodshed. If someone was found slain and his murderer was unknown, judges had to measure the distance to surrounding cities to determine the nearest city. To clear away guilt, the elders of that apparently bloodguilty city had to break the neck of a young, unworked cow in an uncultivated torrent valley. This was done before Levite priests ‘because Jehovah chose them to dispose of disputes over violent deeds.’ The city’s elders washed their hands over the cow and said: “Our hands did not shed this blood, neither did our eyes see it shed. Do not set it to the account of your people Israel, whom you redeemed, O Jehovah, and do not put the guilt of innocent blood in the midst of your people Israel.” (Deuteronomy 21:1-9) Jehovah God did not want the land of Israel to be polluted with blood or its people to carry joint bloodguilt.
Yes, there is such a thing as joint, or community, bloodguilt. Consider the immense bloodguilt that rests upon Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. Why, she is drunk with the blood of Jehovah’s servants! (Revelation 17:5, 6; 18:24) Christendom’s religions claim to follow the Prince of Peace, but wars, religious inquisitions, and death-dealing crusades have made her bloodguilty before God. (Isaiah 9:6; Jeremiah 2:34) In fact, she m
The simple command @ Romans 13: 9-10 reads, “You must not commit adultery, You must not murder, You must not steal, You must not covet,” and whatever other commandment there is, is summed up in this word, namely, “You must love your neighbor as yourself.” 10*Love does not work evil to one’s neighbor; therefore love is the law’s fulfillment.

If everyone followed the simple command to love their neighbor as yourself, the world would be such a better place and would not go out and kill!
I agree, I grow up in bronx new york. we are suppose to love our neighbor as our self. yes Jesus did say that but it is funny how preachers pray on each side for the group of men and woman. Jehovah and Jesus do not take sides
The thing is, wars don't always start over religions and not everybody claims to be religious. If a war starts, I'm going to defend my country even though I'm a Christian. If we didn't defend ourselves, we would be worse off.

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: ... A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."
Do you really believe that war is unnecessary?

If someone starts beating the crap out of your friend what are you going to do? Try and reason with them?

The Bible does not speak against war!
I lived in NYC for many years, which *nabes* have a church on every corner, please tell me.
your absolutely right, jesus said his followers would be recognized by 2 things:

1) their 'fruits'
2) 'if you have love amongst yourselves'

war is not love
War you say. Blessed are the peace makers they shall be call the sons of God. Love your neighbor as yourself fulfills the law. The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom. Man born of flesh does not understand neither knows peace or love. People can say their christians and a man on Christmas eve can say he is santa clause. I don't believe in santa clause.