why do so many americans think soccer is more "GAY" than football?


New member
Mar 19, 2009
why do so many americans think soccer is more "GAY" than football? So many of my friends have told me to play football in highschool, telling me that its better than running around with guys that have short shorts on. what i dont understand is why most people dont critisize football if you slap peoples butts in it and wear realy tight pants.
The pants are tight because you have to have pads in them... Slapping butts is with one another is a special football team bond thing and it is not gay..
People think soccer is gay because usually the people that play it arent good enough to play football... And it is boring and you dont get to take out your anger in soccer on the other players.. Cause you get a "Red card".. in football thats called a hit..
1st of all its Because its a contact sport... U have to be able to hit people or take a hit. In soccer you get hit u get penalties and its i big deal.

2ndly Football is a more aggressive, and a more physically & mentally demanding sport.

3rd the butt slapping is not just in football it actually started in baseball and its NOT GAY its just a team's bond kind of thing

4th I would rather slam people than chase after some guy in fruity short shorts.
It's always nice to see the soccer section come in and troll American Football. Make yourselves at home and enjoy your visit. Obviously, things are slow in your section.

As far as being gay, I hope that works out for you.
Not everyone slaps each others butts. The pants are tight to keep the pads up next to your bones (knee, thigh, and butt--coccyx--pads) and organs (kidney pads) for protection.

To be successful in American football you must be strong, fast, and most of the time it helps to be bigger. To be a good player you've got to pretty much wrestle (block) well, throw well, kick well, catch well, and be fast. To be good at soccer you've just gotta run around and kick.

And soccer players wear those fruity short shorts.
because soccer doesn't have a bunch of sweaty fat guys in tights running around and jumping on each other....
I think they consider is "Gay" because men usually wear shorts in the field. I Don't know how soccer is more "gay" than football. I actually more prefer soccer
I think American football is more 'gay' than soccer.

I think soccer requires more strategy.

Besides, how gay is the title 'wide receiver'.