Why do religious folks have no sense of humour?


New member
May 1, 2009
Come on! Fasting, Easter, Lent. . .it's all pathetic and juvenile isn't it?
So far, you have all answered my question perfectly!

Would not a forgiving loving soul, see himself within everyone else, and laugh a little?

Top of the weirdo class, you have all failed.
Well which is it? No sense of humor, pathetic or juvenile? Your question has no logic.
Well, your question isn't exactly Geroge Lopez quality, so maybe perhaps... if you were more funny then we would laugh... huh ??
i do! most people take it personally. its like making fun of someones kids. why don't you try to make fun of some guys kid cause the kids is gay, quick way to get your a$$ kicked.
It's ignorant to ridicule what you can't understand. And as for religious people having no sense of humor, you obviously don't know any Greek Orthodox Christians. After the fasting, we know how to have a good time---opa!
You have to be joking! 'What was the first reference to laxatives? And Moses took two tablets and went away into the mountains.' 'Highest recorded high jump? When Jesus cleared the temple.' Those are the mild ones, there are many more. Who told me them? My father who was an Anglican priest.