Why do people write fanfiction about real people?


May 22, 2008
This question might be a little "overasked" but I really want to know. I mean, have they ever thought of it from their perspective? How would they feel if they found stories of themselves in fanfiction by some wackjob where they get raped or murdered or put in a "smut" story? It has me worried to because I'm a fan of adventure fanfiction (nothing more, nothing less) for my favorite cartoons and stuff, no real people being there and all...If fanfiction.net gets shut down because some pedo wrote too many stories about some washed up celebrity I'm gonna be really pissed off. Can that even happen?
The sad truth is that most people don't see celebrities as "real people." They forget that they have emotions just like us, so they feel as if they say anything they want.
Because they have no respect for boundaries and the people that they're writing about, I suppose. I 'ship' lots of couples on TV shows, but I find shipping celebrities to be really creepy. When you think about it, we actually know nothing about those people or their lives.