Why do people still believe in God and Allah and Budda etc,?


New member
Sep 17, 2011
I mean people don't still believe that Zeus throws lightning bolts at us anymore or that Neptune rules the waves. We're supposed to be enlightened now but people still throw believe in mythology such as God and Allan. Is anyone interested in some magic beans I have for sale?
Wow - too easy.

Thanks to Frizby for completely missing my sarcastic point at the end about the magic beans.

Thanks to Lithy for proving Americans don't know the meaning of Irony (or if you're not American - just for showing how thick and therefore invalid your argument is)

Thanks to Ejrenesmee for your hilarious comment that believing in a God makes you enlightened rather than believing in science!

Thanks to Saira fo answering a question I didn't even ask with her own religious agenda attached to it.

And thanks to the other 3 crap answers.

No winners yet I'm afraid.
Well, when you are brainwashed since childhood to believe something, it is really hard to get it out of your system. Even if it seem nonsensical.

PS: Buddha is not a God or even considered one.
Why do you still believe that 'God' and 'Allah' are different? Allah is Arabic for God.

And there is one God.
Well, I for one personally believe in Allan, and find your question offensive. And yes, I am interested in some magic beans. Thanks!
Buddha wasn't a god... that's a real person.

Buddha means "enlightened one". Ironic, isn't it?
ummm it's cuz they see the world around them and realize it's completely idiotic to think it existed by accident.. if you don't believe in God I don't think you can consider yourself enlightened.
Zeus is the Greek god otherwise known as a fallen angel also known as Satan..

All the gods depicted in mythologies were fallen angels..

God is the only God our Creator..

If you have magical beans isn't that hypocritical of you or a down right lie?..
No need...I got me own beans and means!
When a lightening bolt strikes you or near you...you will believe!
Time travel is true...How do I know???
Did man walk on the moon???
How is that myth of a mobile phone going?
I hear you even ride around in a chariot powered without horses...Magic is it?