Why do people keep making racist rants about different races?


New member
Nov 17, 2012
On youtube theres a racist rant about every race ? What's with all the hateful banter?examples from videos :' chong ching ling long' , ' the only difference between a n****** is a n******' , 'go hop over the border back to your country?' these statements are ignorant af. And yayayaya freedom of speech blabla. So why cant people speak to help benefit society instead of tearing it apart. An INDIVIDUAL can either be good or bad so why clump a whole race into a negative generalization based on the action of one person? ._. Theres no hope for humanity i swear,
and then what really kills it is after that rant the ranter decides to 'apologize' when they know good well they weren't sorry when they made it, fhfkshdkksfgjsld & hows your guys night? :)