Why do people follow trends?


New member
May 7, 2013
Well, I went to TJ MAXX yesterday, and found five VERY CUTE, CLASSY looking tops for $50 all together!!!! I told one of my friends and they said "I bet they're out of season". You know what I am wondering? What the heck is IN season? I have never, ever dressed for what was "in style", I just dressed how I wanted, and what I thought was cute, and most others like the way I dress too. So, why do people have to be so unoriginal and only follow "trends" that will only last a month?
I Know!!

It's Just A Stupid Rule Made Up By Some Fashion Nazi

I Say Dress However You Want,

BTW You're friend sounds kind of like a Snob
Because they see it on TV, or in magazines, and even on trucks and ads. Those kinds of things make us believe it's cool or cute, or if we don't get it we're missing out, even if it's not. Brainwashing if you will
I totally understand why people follow trends "because they like them," but not wearing something because it's "out of season" means that either you're wearing something you don't like in order to follow a trend, or you're "not" wearing something you "do" like because of a trend.
Both are silly.