Why do people care about PDA?


Jun 3, 2008
Why do people care if someone is doing PDA? So many people make a big deal of it and I really don't understand.
My thought process is;
How does it effect me: Doesn't
Can I easily ignore it: Yes, just like I ignore people talking loudly during movies
Does it pose physical danger to me: No
So in my opinion and from my line of thinking I really don't care about PDA. People could be having sex on the table next to me in a restaurant and I wouldn't even look up.
It seems to me PDA doesn't really effect bystanders and it would be easy for them to ignore it. From my view point, if it doesnt affect me I dont care, do whatever you want.
So my question is: why don't you like seeing PDA? And why do you care if people are doing PDA?
PDA stands for Public Displays of Affection (kissing, holding hands, making out, ect. Pretty much anything sexual done in public)
It makes some people uncomfortable. I myself don't mind PDA so long as it's not excessive. Hand holding, hugging and some kissing is fine. Much beyond that and I'm like "get a room, y'all". It doesn't matter to me whether it's a same-sex or opposite-sex couple. If I'm in an environment where such behavior is more the norm, like a night club or an "adult" club I'm a little more relaxed on what sort of PDA I'll endure. Basically if I'm sitting in Denny's I don't want to see two people groping each other's genitals. If I'm in a strip joint I wouldn't be shocked to see two people humping on a table, though I still wouldn't be inclined to watch them going at it.
You honestly have convinced yourself that people having sex just feet away from you on a restaurant table while you ate your dinner is not even worth looking up? You are not normal.

PDA are practiced by really immature individuals. And, like ignorant people, they should be ignored, for sure.

Some people have negative reactions to PDA because they view physical affection to be a private and personal matter. When I see it, I feel embarrassed for the couple as they are making fools of themselves as they do not realize how silly they look trying to act like mature grown ups (who, by the way, do not practice PDA).

Sure, people hold hands, hug and even have a quick kiss in public. But when they are inspecting one another's tonsils with their tongues, now, that looks ridiculous.
I'm female. If you saw me making out with my girlfriend on a park bench, would you simply carry on? If so, I have no problem with your PDA (as long as you two are not right in my ear).
I honestly don't care. I think for some people, especially those who have children, think its gross. I mean sure, you know to ignore it, but does a 4 year old? As a parent would you want your kid watching people making out?