why do i still have dreams about him?


Apr 5, 2008
I liked a guy a little in jr high. I really fell for him in high school. It was very hard to read this guy it seemed like he liked me sometimes and then hated me at others but we never became close he'd even ignore me sometimes then i'd ignore him so on and so on. I always kept hold of the hope that we'd somehow end up together you know that if it was meant to be it would happen. Then we graduated high school went to separate colleges and it hit me...that it'll never happen. I started questioning if i was just imagining all those signs and became very sad and self-conscious thinking he couldn't ever like me. My point is. I though i got over him. Only took until sophomore year in college but i thought i did. I could see him in my hometown and not feel like running to a corner and crying. But sometimes now almost a graduate of college i have dreams where he's in them and we have this meeting where everything comes out in the open and we live happily ever after. Those dreams make me so happy when i wake up and i'm sad it was just a dream. I usu sleep a long time just to try to make the dream last. However, i dont know why he pops in my dream out of nowhere when i wasn't thinking about him before. Sometimes when I can't sleep or am very stressed if i think about him or listen to a song that reminds me of him i sleep quicker and more at peace. I DONT KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME! Why can't i get over him, why am i this crazy girl who cant seem to move on? I fall for other guys, kiss other guys but i always come back to him.
Anything you all can contribute that may help me deal with this and maybe convince me I'm not completely crazy?