Why do girls spread rumors?


May 19, 2008
So recently, i've became sworn enemies with this girl in my grade over the stupidest reason. I'm not even going to tell the entire story because it is that much of a headache. All i'll say is a couple of days ago, the girl (Sara) purposely attempted to slap me in my face, but I pulled her hands away pushed her against a wall and told her that I wasn't playing with her. My two other friends were around when this happened.
So just today, I was minding my own business, not giving a fuck that were are not friends because she was not a good friend at that, but then my best friends comes up to me and tells me that Sara told half of the entire grade that she beat me up. I'm seating here dumfounded, because I don't recall anything close to that happening. Me, being a nice person, I brush it off, because I know that she just wants me to really lay it on her and karate chop her, but I wont.
My question is, why do people do things like this? Get angry because someone finally stood up for themselves and try to spread rumors just to make them feel bad or stupid? Is it an attention tactic? Because I know Sara has never been in a fight in her entire life, so I dont get why she thinks ATTEMPTING to slap me is considered a fight. Like...what? Help me here?