Why do Conservatives still argue that FDR had nothing to do with the?


May 13, 2008
recovery and economic development that lasted for 50 years after the Great Depression. Conservatives argue that the government cannot create economic activity, that only business does that. They argue that WWII was the reason why we were lifted out of the Depression. Even if this is true, where does the money come from when the government spends it on the military? The government spent money on products, this created economic activity, and lifted us out of the depression! We have seen this model so many times that Conservatives must be fools. Ronald Reagan increased defense spending, this created a demand for products, and industry rose up to meet this demand. This is how the economy works. If no one wants to spend money, the economy sputters, if anyone, including the government spends money then the economy will improve. It is not that difficult. If you argue (conservatives) that WWII brought us out of the Great Depression, then you actually disprove your entire argument, by showing that your assumption is incorrect.
If the government was to put lots of money into an industry that would actually benefit everyone (like solar and wind power), then the economy would pick up, and we would actually do something that is good for the masses, and will improve the efficiency of our society.
My point is not that governmental spending is the most efficient way to stimulate the economy, it is clearly not. However, if governmental spending will never work, yet governmental spending worked then, then sometimes, it will work.