Why do Christians take advantage of the fact that we don't know much about the


New member
Oct 8, 2011
universe? The universe is so incredibly vast and detailed that we could never know everything about it. But why must the Christian religion in particular take advantage of this?

Just because life seems to imply a creator doesn't mean it's YOUR creator. Why would the God of the entire universe have a sense of morality, a gender, or any sort of contact with humans that are but a dust speck in the scheme of things? In fact, I know that if there were a god it would be inseparable from the universe and therefore within everything that is. That shitty art piece you create is still very much god.

I cannot stand it when Christians say that someone is not "of God" when if there was any such thing, everything would be "of god" no more or less then they. I don't pretend to know more than I do, neither does my religion, but the idea of the Christian God is absurd. I am not against the possibility of some kind of divine consciousness within everything but I hate when Christians take advantage of that and try to push their interpretation of it. To categorize something so beyond categorization is just absurd. Divinity should be experienced first hand.
its part of the recruiting, lol. religion is about having answers to life and the idea of you even stuttering something against religion shows that you are lost.
If i let go of an apple in midair, it'll fall down. FACT. but if i say the apple will be pulled toward the centre of the earth, that's a theory that might get proven wrong in the next 1000 years. Evolution is a theory too but scientists take advantage of the fact that evolution has more "human logic." it's easier to believe in than creation so scientists ridicule anyone that thinks everything was created in a few days. Christians take advantage of what they can too.
We know enough to realise that the whole universe is BALANCED...and this can only come about if it is planned...by a creator.