Why do Christians say "EVOLUTION IS A THEORY!" when their religion is merely a


Jun 9, 2008
Why do Christians say "EVOLUTION IS A THEORY!" when their religion is merely a

Okay, I see that I worded "hypothesis" wrong. I meant, unproven thoughts.
Gosh, ducky, I just misused one word?!??!
You may want to look up what a hypothesis is before you start judging them for their lack of scientific understanding when you clearly lack it as well.
Because the bibles prophecies are happening right in front of you. That's why. Our theory wups your theories a**!
Wow.... trying to sound intelligent and failing miserably. Look up the definition of "hypothesis".

And btw.... (I apologize to the others here for repeating this again but apparently our questioner suffers from short-term memory loss) The VAST majority of Christians believe in evolution.
All religion is Free invention of human mind out of

1. Fear of Dying

2. Fear of unknown. Flood , earthquakes

True opium of the people.

SImply because it is a theory! Science labels it a theory, Christians accept it as that. However, evolution has two parts. One part is observable the other is not. It seems you think evolution has been proven, but you are mistaken. The reality of it is this...

The odds of a single cell possessing non-harmful mutations of five specific (functionally related) genes is the product of their separate probabilities. Morris, 63. In other words, the probability is 1 in 108 X 108 X 108 X 108 X 108, or 1 in 1040. If one hundred trillion (1014) bacteria were produced every second for five billion years (1017 seconds), the resulting population (1031) would be only 1/1,000,000,000 of what was needed!
Well, it is a theory, just a well-supported theory.

Indoctrination and belief is powerful. It is difficult to open one's perspective when they have a strong emotional bond with a belief.
Okay, pretend it's us who has been proven wrong. Changing your perspective on anything is quite difficult. I find it rather difficult to believe that God exists, but if I was forced to believe, I'd find it extremely challenging to do so. They've been taught at birth about Creationism. I was too, but then some real f*cked up sh*t happened during my freshman year at high school, and then I started hang out with smart people, and they converted me to atheism, which wasn't hard considering I was agnostic ever since I turned seven.
A hypothesis is an educated guess. It is difficult to see religion this way simply since there just doesn't seem to be anything smart about believing God exists merely because a 2,000 year old book said so.
Actually it is not even unproven thought as it is a belief and that is all it will ever be.
At least a "theory" has some form of logic sprinkled with bits of validating evidence.
I think I will stay with the theory.
Think about it!
religion is a hypothesis? youre giving them too much credit, theyre merely stories.
Because they do not understand the SCIENTIFIC definition of theory: http://www.livescience.com/21491-what-is-a-scientific-theory-definition-of-theory.html
This is an epistemological matter. What you consider evidence and facts and theory are not what some Christians consider to be evidence, facts, and theory. Some people would look at evolution and see a theory that connects many bits of evidence but which cannot be recreated in a lab. Because no one has ever been able to create life from absolutely nothing, some people doubt the evolutionary perspective (they might think that the best science is that which can be proven in labs or witnessed in nature, and no one has witnessed life coming from primordial ooze).

Christians have plenty of evidence of their religion, but it's not the kind of evidence you would accept. Though there is historical evidence for the existence of the person of Jesus and his crucifixion.