Why didn't Obama's apology tour work and make the world love us?

You've been duped, little neocon wannabe. What the far-rightwing nation-destroyers in control of the GOP like to call an "apology tour" (not an accurate description of the Obama administration's wise foreign policy that began in January 2009 once he was sworn in) was actually a mending-of-broken-fences that garnered our democratically elected peace-making President Obama the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize (see whitehouse.gov for a replay of his powerfully nuanced Cairo speech).

Here are three powerful excerpts from that brilliant speech: (a) "My first job as President of the United States is to PROTECT the American people"; (b) "The United States is NOT at war with Islam"; and (c) "The United States will extend its hand in friendship to any nation willing to unclench its fist." Now, you tell us...where are those "apologies" in any of this? Turn off Faux "news" and bratboy schizophrenic Beck whose insanity lost more than 100 sponsors and got him actually FIRED from Faux...maybe then you won't continue to be on the wrong side of history backing the diarrhea-spewing elephant.
well he figured that since he was black and the tingle was being felt by the liberal news that this would spread around the world
and other countries would see the rainbow..