Why did Christ attend the marriage feast and rise on the third day? And Hosea


Jul 7, 2008
say God will raise us up after..? two days to live in His sight? Two days are how many years to God? And why did Joshua make the Hebrews wait 2000 cubits behind before they crossed over with him into the heavenly land of promise?
El. This question isn't about a grave rather than a tomb or the ascension k
Also, this question has nothing to do with the timing between the marriage feast in Cana and the Crucifixion. I placed the reference of the third day marriage and the third day rising from the tomb together to connect some dots in the minds of whomever God allows to receive what I am expounding.
You do realize that he didn't attend the marriage feast and then rise two days later? He attended the marriage feast about 3 years before he rose on the third day.
read your bible, it says nothing of jesus rising from the grave. he was placed in the tomb, and three days later the rock was rolled away, and the tomb was empty. nothing about him floating around in the sky. nothing.