Why can't god and evolution both exist?


New member
Aug 13, 2008
The ONLY reason any Christian has EVER been able to give me that evolution is wrong is that it would be saying God made a mistake that had to be corrected. Then if asked why would God let children die and plagues wipe out 1,00's of people and AIDS exist they all say "the Lord works in mysterious ways". I am not trying to belittle Christianity, or portray God as some mythical creature ho doesn't exist. I myself am athiest, however I respect the fact that many fols practice and subscribe to religion. I just don't understand why evolution could not be part of Gods plan if he works in mysteriou ways anyways.
Please don't try and quote Genesis to me either, I've read it and know what it says. I also know that in the Apocryphal Books there is more to that story. I know there's no impecle evidence to point either way, I'd just like to know why one can't exist with the other?