why can you talk about evolution in schools but when you talk about...

The first amendment of the Constitution of the United States prohibits the government (which includes the public schools) from teaching any religious doctrine and dogma.

It really is that simple.

Evolution deals with change in biological entities and is science, whether you or I or anyone else agrees.
i have no problem speaking of vairous creation myths, in comparative religion studies, in school.

or in the case of Jesus, or Joan of Arc, using them as specimen of several mental disorders in Psychology, Psichiatry.

however Jesus has no place in biology, or chemistry. does he?
Be glad of it because if Christianity is discussed then, ALL of the other religions will want their kick at the can, too thus; rendering Christianity into insignificance, "as another one of those religions".
Be careful of what you ask for. And besides, there is nothing wrong with Evolution being taught in Schools.
There is measurable evidence for evolution. Sorry, but I can't say the same for JC. Like another answerer here said, Jesus is simply a myth.
because the schools are very very very stupid. i got detention for bringing a bible to school once.

The guy that "discoverd" evolution(charles darwin) bacame a christian on his death bed!

because jesus christ had nothing to do with evolution.. lol
would you want people to talk about evolution in the middle of sunday school?

you can talk about jesus all day long in a religious studies class..

dont be ignorant and hateful... jesus said nothing about going to heaven by being a mean self-righteous idiot.
Schools=part of state
Religion and state has to be seperated.
Christian persecution.

And it is right to talk about Jesus Christ. Don't let them tell you that you can't.

But Jesus did say we will be persecuted for Christ Righteousness sake. But when we are, to be very very glad. For great is our reward. And that is a promise.