Why are they complaining about that hold call?


Feb 16, 2009
They weren't calling a lot of holding calls during that game. Or those late hits on flacco and Colin Kap. Did people really think they were going to call that call during the game?
the falcons should have passed to tony gonzales, period. he was wide open on the last play
Even if there had not been contact, I don't know if that ball would have been caught.

Damn! I wish the 49ers had tried some running plays after they got down to the 5 yard line!
I think its HILARIOUS that Steeler fans are complaining about it. Look on Facebook haha. The Steelers were given two titles by referees and now THEY are complaining because the Ravens won!
Why didn't 49ers complain about the holding call in the Falcons game where one of their defenders was holding on to one of the Falcons player? Oh thats right, because it wouldn't have benefited the 49ers to by crybabies. I'm glad the younger Brother whooped on Cry Baby older Brother.
The call was unnecessary. 49ers shoulda got it in earlier on better play calls. But the punt no call was almost too funny. I guess we were all ready for it to end. See you guys next year! NFC should be interesting.

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1 - "Spanish ver" Tonight...we are young.../ old folks going out...hahaha
2 - VW rasta man
3 - ???