Why are some of my potted bell pepper plants drooping?


New member
Jun 1, 2010
I have 8 bell pepper plants of yellow, orange, and red varieties. 2 of the 8 have darker colored leaves. The markers fell out, but I think they are red peppers. The other 6 have bright, almost lime-green leaves.

Well, the 2 with the darker leaves seem to droop around Noon, after they've been in full sun for only 2 hours. When I bring them in the air-conditioned house and put them in the windowsill, they perk right back up. I don't think it is overwatering or underwatering, I push my finger into the soil an inch or two before watering to make sure they're dry. Also, if it was one or the other, I don't think bringing them into the house would make them any better.

This has been going on for a few days now, ever since I lost my 9th pepper plant: It wilted, I brought it in the house and it was fine, I put it back outside the day after it recovered, and it promptly dropped all of its leaves.

I've thought of just keeping it in the house, but I'm afraid my cats will eat the leaves. Also, I dont' think they'll get enough sun to produce food there anyway. What's more, I just don't understand how this tropical plant appears to be wilting under 70-degree heat. I thought they were good until it hits about 90?

Hoping someone has some answers or ideas, because all my internet searching has resulted in nothing. Anyone have any ideas or are these guys just temperamental?
The pots they are in are more than adequate. They are about twice as tall and twice as wide as the plants themselves. Plenty of room for roots to grow.