Why are people that work at GNC Scrubs?

Well to be fair, if you're looking to build muscles then you're supposed to drink whey protein before and after a workout

Some proteins like USN hardcore Whey and PHD are supposed to taken 1 hour before weight lifting and straight after workout or with a meal while others like Maximuscle Cyclone are supposed to be taken with breakfast and then again straight after the workout

Of course some GNC workers are smarter than others. Like the GNC store near my house, theres 3 people who work there (2 guys and 1 girl) the 2 guys are absolutely stupid, they're both out of shape themselves and know nothing about fitness but the girl was really smart. She knew what products were the best and gives me great advice about exercising. She only works 2 days a week so I only go to the store during her shift. I don't even bother with the other two clowns