Why are people so confused about religion?


Jan 29, 2009
An Atheist in college -- now that is suprising (j/k) !!

You must be learning all kinds of secular, anti-God fun filled activities -- besides I think your still confused about Christianity --because if you weren't then you would be a believer already !!
I'm an atheist in college. I'm now taking a philosophy class this term. I've noticed that there is a LOT of confusion about religion.

I would like to know what some general confusions about religion are, not necessarily about Christianity.

I have never beveled in a deity and I am not looking for others to tell about their own. I just would like to know why people are puzzled.

the existence of so many religions isn't an argument against God's existence or an argument that truth about God isn't clear. rather, the existence of so many religions is demonstration of humanity's rejection of the one true God and their replacement of him with Gods that are more to their liking.
It's confusing because there are as many religions as there are opinions about God. None of them are correct but man made. God, or Truth, cannot be contained by religion as much as they try to put the Truth in to a tiny little box. It even states in the christian bible that religion is false - in revelation.

It is personal and individual. Not everyone has the same definition of God. Let alone a psychotic religious god. :)
Confusion about belief. Just because you are logical doesn't mean you have no faith in God. Religion seems to mold peoples minds.

People are fickle, tahts the way we are. cant fix it.

They get promises from each religion, and they get damned from others.
Because there is only one truth and satan is throwing all the others in for confusion. Just to end everyones confusion....Jesus Christ is the Savior, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
I am a Christian and I am not confused about anything...Jesus is my savior and I find all of my answers in the Word of God...
Because no one can know if they're right until they die, but they try to find reasons that they're right during life.

Doesn't work out too well.
Hey Dak

Well you've asked a reasonable question in a reasonable mature way
and you deserve a mature Intelligent answer , so I'll do my best to be unbiased and fair in my response.

It seems that at the root of some of the confusion is that alot of people have been brought up with out guidance in these matters or sometimes even in matters of morality.

And so each instead of being shown what in good and right is left to their own devises basically given the idea that there is no definitive truth, that right and wrong is undefined and open to the sum of ones own experiences and philosophies on a given subject .

And thus in to this grand chaotic melting pot of unguided ideals, feelings, opinions,individual philosophical values and self generated belief systems is also thrust the forum of religion.

So each person who cares enough to ask the questions of the grander issues of life and existence and morality ,and spirituality, sets out equipped with all of this confusion and undisciplined to try to find these answers.

And when they come to the questions of Deity they are confronted with all of the different belief systems and disciplines that the world has to offer.

And so most often they will watch for ideals that line up with the conclusions that they have drawn on their own .

O.k that's part of it, this is going to be a bit long sorry.

alot of it is cultural

There's also those who are raised with a particular belief system . They sometimes embrace the teachings that their elders impart to them but some grow to resent and reject them.

Some are raised in societies that don't allow disbelief, where expressions of doubt or acts of indiscipline or conversion to other faiths are severely punished, often even to death.

In these places God is absolutely who the religious authorities say He is or you may well die.
So in these places you breed people who are convinced from the very time that they can perceive of a religious concept ,of who God is.

And so when the different cultures meet and begin to discuss their Ideals you have confusion and disagreement.

And then add the passionate and the powerful into the equation ,
and you have a world of diversity and often conflict.

Well there you go that's my un expert take on the grand picture of religious confusion.

Thanks for the thought provoking question and may God bless you forever.