Why are Foreigners from europe/canada making jokes about Sarah Palin?

I guess all these foreigners making fun of her are a lot smarter than a lot of people in this country who support her. It shows how horrible she is when people all over the world have heard about her and are insulting her. And sadly, there are a lot of Republicans way worse and far more psycho than she is. It's a sad state of affairs that Republicans have to compete with each other for who has the least understanding of science, who hates the poor and middle class the most, who is the craziest psychopath, etc.
They also make jokes about Obama and Americans in general. Yet we still give them money and protect them from their enemies. So I would say if we are that stupid, then our so called leaders are the butt end of the jokes.

Have you listened to the BBC lately? The whole Ultra-Right Nationalist Coalition (Republican and Tea Parties combined) has made the US a laughing stock.
When your only knowledge of our country is a two week vacation at Disney, what would you expect? Besides Canadian can laugh all they want, we get the last laugh, remember, they gave the world Celine Dion.