Who would win USA or Russia?

which is why they would win... our country is full of pussies so when it came to wear all the ppl would bithc about it and be like noo maaann come onn noo warr! and the russians would dgaf and just fuck us up
and you're telling me they have GOOD training?... im sorry but good training keeps the men alive to actually fight.
You just dont get it, do you? Im not saying America VS Israel or F-22 VS F-16. Im saying that Israeli pilots and Israeli F-16's are far superior to American pilots or American F-16.
I agree with this except for the part about our allies.

I'm not so sure the U.S. really has allies, other than a piece of paper signed thinking we have friends.

Russia would be willing to drop a tactical Nuke if things got bad on their own soldiers. The U.S., probably not.

There is going to be no war. The media just has nothing to report. Georgia and Russia have been going at it for years.

Don't believe propaganda.
When it comes down to it Britain's got our back the french aint the greatest but they can help. The Germans will be on our side, Israel, Canada. The rest of western Europe would be with us too. And I would bet that with some negotiating China would come to our aide. They want to become the economic power in the world and they wont be if they exclude the richest nations in the world.
I can see Britain and to an extent Israel, but Germany is held at the balls by Russia with a Energy Pipeline, France too. They wouldn't do anything unless directly threaten and mock the U.S. at the same time.

Really, we couldn't win unless we decided to not fight it politically, but we won't be going to war anytime soon with them.
This is something i never want to think about because this meanst total war total destruction and everyone in the world dead lol this war would turn into a neuclear war and world war III
USAF Is in no comparison to IAF. IAF Probably have the best soldiers in every field but that doesn't make them the best, the USAF has better equipment/more soldiers.
why is everyone talking about the israel air force vs. ours? israel would get fucked up if they attacked us and we wouldnt even need to lift a finger to do it. the only reason theyre still a country is becuase u.s. soldiers still occupy and protect it. if we left then just about every neighboring arab country would invade them and take back wut used to be theirs
There is a saying, tough training makes easy combat. This is true, but are you telling me the US Army Rangers training is easy? The Marine Corp training? Here's how the war would go.

We engage them in the air. We gain air superiority through our technological advantage, plus the fact that most of our pilots are piloting the F22 Raptor Air Superiority Fighter. After air superiority is established, AC 130 gunships and other bomber aircraft demolish thier military installations and bases. About a week after we start the bombardment, our Navy is in position and cruise missile bombardment begins. Due to the sheer accuracy of these attacks, most of their armor divisions and infantry bases are in shambles. Soon after, our armor rolls into their borders. The russians are using some modern main battle tanks, but most of their tanks are Soviet T-72 battle tanks. These are cold war era tanks. The Iraqis used these during Desert storm. Even a direct hit on an M1A2 battle tank from a T 72 would not destroy or disable a M1A2, unless hit on the treads. So our armor establishes a foothold, allowing our elite infantry units, the Rangers and Marines, to move into their cities one by one. This will be the most grueling part of the campaign. As was already brought up, their infantry is very good. However, with our combined armor and air support, we gain ground bit by bit. After almost 6-12 months of deadly close in fighting, and approximately 20,000 US infantry casualties, we march into Moscow, having successfully emasculated Russia.

And that's how it would go down, the end.