Whipped Cream?

yes i understand what a whippet is dude. they are not something a kid should have his or her hands on.
How did kids get brought into this? Anyway, you seem very against nitrous. You talk badly of it and I'm curious as to why. What is so bad about it? Did you even take a minute or two to read anything from the link I gave you? What are your reasons for disliking it?
no, it doesn't kill you. In some places, they still use it as a general anesthetic in dentistry and it can kill you, but you would need more than the amount in a whipping cream can and you would need someone to force you to inhale it all. I'm not claiming that people should do this all the time, but it really isn't that dangerous. Just a simple safe high.
yep. It feels so good when you do it but its not worth it, its like a 15 second high and not worth the loss of braincells. If you take enough at once you can pass out for a long ass amount of time.
i knew some people who started with that and got into glue and what not. cheap highs are cool and all, but when there out there out. dont think some 13 year old kid whos been doing whippets for the past three weeks wont look at a rag and spray paint and not connect the two; after his mom refuses to buy him anymore because he just doesnt need to fill that many twinkys with whipping cream. teens and pre teens dieing on cheap highs like this were actualy a very common thing in the late 90s. putting the responsibility of a substance into a young minors hands can be very dangerous. although whippets and cream arnt that big of a deal, i still wouldnt even tell somone under the age of atleast 18 that its a good idea. telling 12 year old kids how to get high off household objects is defenitly not something somone should do over the internet. its just not responsible. what happens when they get ahold of sharpies and shit like that. sure if its your thing and what not who cares, but its not a completely safe "drug".
oh, alright. translation?

edit: you can get high of nitrous oxide, just dont inhale too much. being dead is fun :tup:
Got into glue? WTF are you talking about? And why do you keep acting like people fiend for it.

Again, where did kids come into this? Are you the kid? Again you use an example of a kid being hooked.

We're talking about nitrous, not anything else. Again I'll point out the use of kids. I remember when it made big news about kids huffing air fresheners and various things to try to get high. Well, tonyneedspills2, what do you think is going to happen if kids are huffing everything they can to see what gets them high?

:dodgy: and cream? The cream has nothing to do with nitrous at all, and you've just made it clear that you are still ignorant of the subject at hand. Here, just in case you missed it: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/nitrous/nitrous.shtml

I'm telling kids how to get high? And who in the world is going to have a case of N20 chargers laying around the house, especially with a cracker?

Why would someone get high with a sharpie? And FYI, sharpies are not my thing.

It's obvious you are ignorant of the subject, yet you still put up an argument with no facts to support it. :confused:
The subject is not about whipped cream, it is about nitrous. I'm not offended by anyone here, and I have no problems with anyone here, I'm just in here bull******* in ST. I just don't understand your reasoning for being so negative towards it.
Seriously people? whippets have been around for like 20 years. I knew about this when i was in like 5th grade. No ones died from getting high off a whip cream can so you can relax. Doing its stupid though, its seriously the worst buzz ever.