Which: Vancouver or Banff? (Mini-vacation)?


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Trying to choose a last minute destination
My husband and I would like to go somewhere for a few days,just to get away and I can't choose!
Any ideas which would be the best?
What is there to do in Vancouver in January?
This is cool, depending on when you're going to be there. http://vancouver.ca/parks/parks/vandusen/website/index.htm
amazing shopping in vancouver. but crowded so not very relaxing. I would say your better off to go to banff. great food spas and outdoor beauty
It depends very much what you like to do. You can skiing in both places.

The only hiking that you might do in Banff will be inside the town. That is including a hill with a road probably closed in the middle, walk to the falls and enjoying the Christmas decorations by nights. Usually, you have to visit by yourself the Banff Srping Hotel. You have to go to the Hot Spring to enjoy to be in a swimming pool even if the temperature is way under zero. There is a cinema and more restaurants than you need and some bars.

About Vancouver, the temperature will more likely be between 0 C to 7 C then if you wish to go away of the Winter then it is a better place to go. You should not avoid to do a long walk in Stanley Park, buy some day passes to be used in a quick ferry boat, the sky trains and whatever buses and you can visit at random the great Vancouver.