Which one should I get 8GB or 16GB iphone?


New member
Mar 29, 2009
youll be fine with 3 8gb.. i had 389 songs, two and a half of apps. and some music videos and a ton of piks i was good i didnt even use a gb.. it is actually pretty hard to fill up a gb...

but the 16gb u can get white... which grows on me everytime i see it. plus idk bout u but there are a ton of people with 8gb blacks so ud be different!!

but i think an 8 would be just fine..

good luck youll love it iPhones are amazing
My birthday is coming up and my parents are getting me an iphone. I'm not so sure which one I want though. I have a 30GB ipod already. I only plan on putting like 300-1000 songs or less on my iphone(I most likely will just put my favorites which are like 400). I don't really like watching movies on my ipod, so I don't think I would get any on my iphone. I like to take many pictures. Also, I plan on getting MANY MANY MANY apps. So which one should I get?