Which of the following events could increase Earth's temperature? gizmo help!!!?


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Oct 16, 2009
Which of the following events could increase Earth's temperature? gizmo help!!!?
Which of the following events could increase Earth's temperature?
A. a decrease in the relative percent of greenhouse gases
B. planting more trees
C. widespread removal of tropical forests
D. a reduction in the use of fossil fuels
C. widespread removal of tropical forests

that is a problem in Brazil.
tropical wood (in some cases) is worth a lot of money.
so forests in Brazil and Indonesia are being cut down, and the wood sold to Japan, the US, and other rich countries.
C. is the answer your teacher wants, truthfully it could be any of the above. The Navier-Stokes equations (they describe fluid movement - including the atmosphere) are so non-linear that we don't know how to solve them. Just as we are currently entering a cooling cycle expected to last more than 30 years while greenhouse gasses are believed to be increasing, it is impossible to determine the effect of any change other than in hindsight, and it is difficult even then.
Look up the butterfly effect.
C. Deforestation in the tropical rain forests is thought to be one of the causes of global warming, since the trees would normally absorb CO2 out of the atmosphere. Every other answer reduces greenhouse gases.