Which Maserati Was It?


May 16, 2008
My dad was driving to Orlando on Friday, He has a 2012 Mustang GT and there was a convertible Maserati in front of him and a Dodge Challenger RT behind him. They all took off and my dad said before he slowed down he was going around 145MPH and the Maserati was infront of him by like 5-10 cars. And he beat the challenger by about as much as the maserati beat him. so which one is it. And i told him thats not so bad i mean its a MASERATI! But ive read up a few maserati's and they go 0-60 in 4.4 or 4.6 sec which is like the mustang and a quarter mile in 13.0 whcih is slower considering the mustang is 12.7 So why did he get burned so bad is it because they just have a higher top end or what?
As Joe Walsh reminds us, a proper Maserati does 185. (Maybe not so fast with the drop-top.) Recent convertible Masers have been offered in Sport versions, with a few extra ponies; perhaps one of these was the dicing partner. (I'd expect him to beat the Dodge, which has plenty of top end but a whole lot of weight to carry around.)