Which is the best free website submitter software and can it drive traffic,


New member
Jun 25, 2008
help in rankings and positions? What is the best website submission software thats free to use to generate traffic, and ultimately help in my website rankings and positions?
I have tried manual submission but it takes too much time. I have to re-submit whenever my ranking drops.
A few are good ones but I am sure there are sincere genuine real programmers out there offer true services to internet enterprenuers and users like us.
I am not aware of any software as such...but you can increase pagerank by good quality in the site/blog ,regular updates,interlinking posts,SEO methods,Good website design & uptime,social media,affiliate marketing etc.I insist that SEO is the best and steady way to improve a site's page rank.I suggest you to use the SEV(Search Engine Visibility) from Thewebpole.com as they cover many techniques like keyword and suggested topics,submit the site to over 100 search engines,submission to directories,sitemap creation and also provide reports which will eventually improve your website traffic.In short SEO is the best way to promote site and gain your desired web presence.