Which is more ironic? Reid showing up to a clean energy summit in a fleet of SUVs?


Jun 7, 2008
or Obama saying his children are off limits but he puts their pictures on the cover of his new book?
Obama playing golf 26 out of the first 56 days of the gulf oil rig disaster then surfacing in front of camaras ticked off about those not doing their jobs.
the most ironic is that you and many of your cohorts actually believe that the people in the middle, uninterested in politics, will care one iota about either issue
The point is the SUVs should get better gas mileage not abolish them like the old people want us to think. And yes there is no "interviews" with Obama`s kids.
Ironic? Both are hypocritical, kind of like flying the first dog on a private jet for vacation while telling the country we need to tighten our belts. I guess there is not enough room on Air Force One for one small dog, might have cramped his style I guess.Or kind of like Pelosi demanding a Boeing jet liner because the government supplied Gulf Stream was not "big" enough to carry her and a $101,000 worth of booze. But hey it is all ok, because they SAY they stand for the "little" guy.
Ironic is the leader of the Chistian Evangelical Right, Haggard, being found not only to be having an affair, but havin gone one with a MAN, who was not only a male prostitute, but also provided him with crystal meth! Now that's ironic!
got to be a tie.

who in the safety of their children would post pictures of them on a book?while holding the highest office in the land?dude is a moron
These guys have serious security concerns, and need to arrive with their security details. Reed already had his office shot up last year by an anti-Govt wacko.
They can't be driving around in Yugo's, FYI.
Typical con /Rep - picking on children.
I am sure that any SU VS that Reid is in are well maintained producing much less emissions .