which is harder:losing weight or quitting smoking?

They dont really compare. Losing weight as in how much? and how do you judge what is harder?? Losing a significant amount of weight may take longer, but its as simple as changing your diet and starting to excercise, compared to overcoming addiction which can take many trys.
Quitting Smoking, easily. It is a physical and mental addiction.

Losing weight is not hard, unless you have some sort of "condition" that makes it physically impossible to lose weight without medication or something.
Obesity can also be caused by inheritence. Look. There are going to be morbidly obese people out there who have done everything in their power to lose weight. There will also be people who smoke 5 packs a day, tried every remedy, patch, etc, etc who just can't quit. I'm not sure if someone can say "Smoking is harder than losing weight" or "Losing weight is harder than smoking" unless that person is just too damn ignorant.
unfortunatly....this was not part of the previous converstation.

i can do it to.

if you're anything like me, bending my leg around my head is harder than either
losing weight. quitting smoking was easy and ive been struggling to loose weight
and ignorance is now proven to be bliss..

Let me start my oh so informative semi-right wing rant like so..

My family is bigger. mostly all of them except for a few exceptions here or there. Now myself, I was no exception. I got older and I got bigger. Loosing weight blew my mind growing up. What I had to realise is that the word and act of "diet" is a fad. Diet in this world ends up being a drastic change that almost no nutritionally dependent person can handle. thus leading to a breakdown and then..TO THE NEXT DIET!!!

I did the diet thing for years before I was just TOO big. (not to say I am skinny now, but im over 100 pounds less.) I soon realised that you have to eat to live, not live to eat. I began making what some would call the "right choices". but I'm not going to stick with the normal, eat this and do that. I began walking every night..not running. and made most of my meals basic lean meats such as tuna(actually more tuna than anything)turkey,chicken. and for energy my carbs were basic. potatoes and whole wheat breads. (obviously in porpotionate amounts.)

a little around under a year later the body changes were apparent and I lost around 100 pounds. that being said. I challenge you to tell me some people are DESTINED to be obese. surely I am no exception to the rule, no extraordinary case. my friends on here know me. Lack of motivation describes me best. but this is something attainable with the right mindset and it can be done. (I only say that rather than be the guy who says "If I can do it, anybody can!!!" I remember being bigger and seeing people say that on the gnarly diet commercials. that phrase always made me feel less of a person.)
its different for different people. took me like 6 days to quit cigarettes.
It Depends, if you take an equally fat person, to an equally addicted smoker, physically it will be the smoker that has trouble. Some people's minds may never even mentally allow them to quit. A smoker may try forever, and still have a chance at never making it anywhere. An obese person however, is all about dedication, and commitment. It may take longer, but its always possible, unless they have some weight disease (they do exist). Loosing weight isn't as hard as many make it sound, people just need to know what their doing, which the majority of fat people, dont.

Soooo.. smoking is harder, do to its a mental problem, which may never be overcame. As to obesity, which is just a "Hey i feel like becoming what I was intended to be!" kind of thing.

EDIT: Just read BARBDAman, If your borne into a obese gene, thats different, and not part of this argument.