Which is better PS3 or Xbox?


New member
May 25, 2011
Im planning to buy a console and im still confuse what is the right one. Can anyone shed a light on this matter?
360 has 3 times as many games than ps3 has?
PS3 has more exclusives. Herp derp, do your research.
But like the others said, people should stop arguing.
I have a PS3, I'm happy with it.
I'm planning to get an xbox soon, but for now I cant tell you how that is.
But if you have small hands, go with PS3 because the PS3 controllers are smaller.
xbox is way better ps3 is owned in japan it is so laggy it goes down all of the time it is just horrible xbox has way more games and it is like a one out of ten chance that u will get a laggy lobby
Ps3 but that's just my opinion. People got to stop whining over which console is better though.
Forgot to mention free online and blu-ray player.
I have both xbox360 and ps3, xbox is by far the best. Better socially( comes with free Mic)(easier to send messages, join friends games, and invite to yours) you can also rate people's profiles so you know if you're playing with a douche. You can also send voice messages, ge t Somthin you plugin to your controller that's a full keyboard. It's worth paying to play with others. Most xbox360s come with lifetime silver membership, reallythe only thing missing out on if you don't buy gold is netflix :p
you people should stop asking these question. only stupid fan boys troll these questions. you see the 1st poster got 2 thumbs down from the following ps3 owners. i make my point clear. they are just trollin since they own ps3. BOTH are fking good systems end of story.

i have an xbox for 2 main reasons. 1 xbox live ( it's been proven to have the best online community in the world, PROVEN don't try to fking troll this do your research ps3 owners you know its true )

2. for the exclusives. honestly idc for ps3 exclusives not intrested in them nor do i find them appealing.

some things also to consider about xbox. their customer service is good and they have secured online. Ps3 got hacked and people possibly and probably stole all their personal info. yea xbox live costs money but to me it's worth it and $60 a year is really cheap you can beg your mom to buy it im sure.

as for ps3 I DONT OWN ONE but some of my friends do and what i have seen/heard from people and them.

good graphics, free online, exclusives are good ( but what exclusives for a console isn't good?. it basicly depends on the persons likes if he wants ps3 exclusives get a ps3 if not get a xbox they both have good exclusives that appeal to different ppl. )

i dn't hate on ps3 like some of these ps3 betchs hating on xbox but this topic is so dead and gone gaming is gaming.
i played em both and i guess youd have to also to see which you liked best. I liked the xbox 360 better...but i didnt use it for movies. That part of it stunk. Ps3 is good too and does movies good. I just liked the control layout and graphics and games of the 360.
If you were to ask me this 2 years ago, I would have said Xbox, but now after having an xbox for like 3 years I now know that ps3 is probably better. Basically... if the Halo series matters to you ALOT, then get an xbox, but if you don't care about Halo, then get a ps3.
Well they are the same really. Xbox has better graphics and their are more online users. But both systems can be hacked. If your not playing online I suggest you buy a 360, let more fun and the controllers are easier to use.
Xbox 360 by far.

Xbox has about 3 times as many games alone.

Not to mention that the online for Xbox destroys the PS3s..