Which handheld console is better PS VITA OR NINTENDO 3DS xl?

The Sony PS vita is way better, because

1. the games
2. the touch screens
3. the 3d on 3ds sucks
4. PS vita games are perfectly 3d
5. the grip is great
6. the sound and video are awesome
7. and finally the graphics and controls are easily learnable
The Sony PS vita is way better, because

1. the games
2. the touch screens
3. the 3d on 3ds sucks
4. PS vita games are perfectly 3d
5. the grip is great
6. the sound and video are awesome
7. and finally the graphics and controls are easily learnable
And that's what happens when you let fanboys answer:

1. the games

What? All two of them?

2. the touch screens

3DS has a touch screen - check

3. the 3d on 3ds sucks

That's personal opinion. I have no problems with it.

4. PS vita games are perfectly 3d

Your definition of 3D must be different than mine.

5. the grip is great

Wow. Form factor. Based on that logic you should just buy a baseball bat.

6. the sound and video are awesome

I'll give you that the maximum resolution is better on Vita than 3DS, and the sound quality of the 3DS speakers are lacking, but I can't speak to the sound quality of Vita.

7. and finally the graphics and controls are easily learnable

The graphics are learnable? Try grammar and sentence structure. Controls are just as easilly learnable on the 3DS.

I consider myself a Nintendo fan, yes. I'm also a Sony fan. I'm a fanboy to neither and just as critical about the companies as I do compliment them. I've yet to find a reason to buy a Vita. Maybe after a price drop, but right now. The next $200 that I have burning a whole in my pocket is going to go to a 3DS XL (and I've owned a 3DS since launch).
Well its all up to preference. Do you like classic Nintendo games like ocarina of time and Pokemon that are being released on the 3ds XL, or do you like to play new age games and have the ability of purchasing games on the playstation store. In my opinnion, go with the vita because of how much it can do, but its all up to you ;)