Which came first.. the chicken or the egg?

Mar 27, 2008
Basically what it says in the title.
I remember years ago i asked my science teacher and we spend the whole class debating it. and now i forget which i agreed did come first.
So which one?... O_O:D
Also from experience these sorts of questions annoy people.. which is always funny. (L)
Assuming it means 'chicken's egg' and not just any egg, it depends whether you consider a chicken's egg to be an egg laid by a chicken, or an egg which a chicken hatches from.

I think it's an egg which a chicken hatches from, meaning the egg came first.
depends on what egg you mean, if you mean a chicken egg, then the chicken comes first because the the mutation (evolution) from the other ogranism must create the chicken before it lays an egg.
People who thought it would be interesting to bring it up on a forum like ihav.

What came first: People who could spell "too" correctly. Or people who spell "Too" like "Two"...:p: