WHERE IS HE!! he wont pick up


New member
Aug 12, 2008
i talked to my boyfriend at 7pm, and now it about 10:30 pm and i called him about 10 times and he wont answer. thing is that i think he answerd my call accidentally because by the 7th call he answered but he didnt say hello,.... i could just hear him and another guy talking and then i think he hung up.. so i keep calling him like crazy and he wont pick up my call.... now if it were me he would of had heart attack and made a huge deal out it.... what should i do wait.. or text him asking him were the
F U K K he's at??
no u dont get i when i dont answer my phone he wants to kill me over phone
OK SO WHEN I DONT ANSWER HE GOES PSYCO AND WANTS TO KILL ME OVER THE PHONE AND ACTS CRAZY!!.... so why do i have to answer right away and he cant.. this is stupid
if u think i'm bad... u would be scared of how he gets when i dont answer..
calm down. breathe. I am like this with my boyfriend too sometimes.
Honestly, he probably wants some guy time. Don't get offended by it.
Do something for yourself and then go to bed. The in the morning you can talk it over with him.
Try sending him a text saying, 'just send me a text back telling me your alive' then see if he replies.
I understand why you would be mad, but maybe he needs some guy time.
Here's a tip: You chase a guy...he'll let you chase. You let him do his own thing....he will chase you. He likes that you are concerned and 'need' him, but if you stop and let it go, then he will think about you and will prob call you.
WAITTTT IT OUT and did you do anything to piss him off.....the next day send him a text saying baby r u ok

I need help also:


Calm down if you heard him he is prolly fine bring it up next time you hang out at least. But give him a lil space and txt him to txt you to get a hold of him when he gets the chance
yeah just text him first, if where he is and what's he doing, and why he doesn't answer your call