Where can I buy a new AT&T RIM Blackberry Bold for a better price than directly from


Aug 8, 2008
Where can I buy a new AT&T RIM Blackberry Bold for a better price than directly from

AT&T? I am already set up on a joint family plan, so buying a new phone without using the 2 year contract discount is extremely pricey, especially when the phone is a Blackberry. The features on the Blackberry Bold are exactly what I need/want, but I am not thrilled about paying $500-$600 for a cell phone.

However, buying a warranty-less phone off of ebay, amazon, or overstock makes me uncomfortable as well. Perhaps this is a silly question, but does anyone know of reliable source where I can get a new Blackberry Bold for less than the advertised AT&T price?

Thanks so much for your time. :)