When women and feminists complain, why isn't the comparison of 'women to...


New member
Dec 1, 2009
...children' note more often? ...Like it's men's and government's responsibility to protect women from their own ability to make dumb choices. Nobody told or forced these females to work at a strip club (or whereever women work and complain about it).
I'm reading this article on Feministing .com which comments on a Detroit USA mandate that is forcing strip clubs to no longer offer lap dances. The posters on the board are high-fiving each other and complaining "well women only do these type of jobs when they can't get high paying work elsewhere". "What 'they' need to do is to give women more sensible and decent alternatives to make a real living.."

-My question is why don't we as citizens and as members of society start comparing women to children more often and hopefully raise women to start taking more responsibility in their lives? Who is this "they" that the quote in the previous paragraph refers to? Men? As if it is men's jobs to create jobs to make sure that women don't 'have to' go into stripping. As if they're saying that they want men to create high paying jobs and just give them to uneducated women so that women don't have to go into stripping and other unsavory occupations.

We let women run their mouths about being *equal* to men, and then with our other ear we tolerate this nagging and complaining from lazy, hypocritical women and Feminists as if it's natural.

Interesting article... I loved the last sentence, "they should earmark some of the $18 billion in stimulus funds to create initiatives to provide women with real choices for employment."

Again using 'they' and showing how feminists aren't fighting for equality, they are fighting so that the government can 'give away' employment to women... and women only.
*Bee, they make this stuff up as they go along.
Sorry wrong century.

Women USED to be categorized along with children and the mentally infirm, but no longer (at least in contemporary Western society).

Sadly, this isn't the case everywhere. Most of the world's population continues to live in the wrong century.